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The Triskel Resort is located in the town of Poggio San Marcello, around 50km from the regional capital Ancona.

By train:
The nearest stop is the Castelplanio-Cupramontana station on the Ancona-Rome line.
The station at Jesi is 20.5km away
Ancona’s main railway station is 48km away

By car:
Take the A14 “Bologna-Pescara” motorway as far as the “Ancona Nord” exit. From there, take the SS 76 bypass in the direction of “Jesi-Roma”. Exiting at the junction marked “Moie”, it is an 8km drive to the resort in Poggio San Marcello.
Another option from the A14 “Bologna-Pescara” motorway is to take the “Senigallia” exit, from which the SS Arceviese takes you to Poggio San Marcello via Serra de’ Conti (a journey of about 36km).
Coming from Rome, take the SP 76 in the direction of Ancona. There is an exit for Poggio San Marcello, after which it is a drive of around 7km to the town and resort.


  • The Marche region’s “Raffaello Sanzio” Airport at Falconara (Ancona) is 33km from the resort
  • Rimini’s “Federico Fellini” Airport is 98km from the resort
  • The Umbria International Airport of Sant’Egidio (Perugia) is 93km from the resort
  • The “Leonardo Da Vinci” Airport at Fiumicino (near Rome) is 274km from the resort 
Via dell'Emigrante, 1
Poggio San Marcello
+39 073786035
+39 0737782126
Edoardo Marini +39 335 340061
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